Tag Archives: enjoy

That Travel Itch

As the last bag is unpacked and everything familiar sets back into the routine life I find myself once again looking at the globe and wondering what I missed. It seems that I have not even made a dent in discovery of the world or myself. image1The pursuit starts to seem futile, yet I do not regret the time spent. Every memory is a treasure. New inspiration and want of the road comes fast. Where to next? South America, Oceania, Africa… the world is relentlessly large when it comes to destinations. Sometimes I envy the bliss of those who lead a settled life. For them change is a choice, not a necessity. But that lifestyle is not for me, and so I pour over my travel guides and books to get new ideas and form the next list of destinations. If travel has become my addiction I do not search for the cure – just like an addict I search for a way to gain that pleasure once more. Give me those isles and far off countries and cultures I do not yet understand. For those whose life has taken them into its steady stream, peace be with you. For the rest of you, my fellow travelers, may that travel itch take you places you’ve never known.